What to consider when buying art

Buying art in the Algarve can be a very rewarding experience. The Algarve is full of art galleries and artists, who are more than happy to sell their work. Buying art in the Algarve is a great way to help local artists to make a living, and it’s also a great way to start a collection of your own.

There are many things to consider before purchasing a piece of art. The types of art you should buy, where you should buy them and how to maintain them are all important factors to consider. You can easily spend thousands of dollars on a single piece of art.



Types of art

Before purchasing a piece of art, you should look at the different types of art available in the market. There are lots of different art you can collect: from paintings, sculptures, photography or any other form of visual art. There are also many variations within each type of art. You can have a sculpture made with bronze, iron, ceramic, wood or any other material.



Where to buy

Buying art can be difficult if you do not know where to look. There are many different places where you can purchase art work. Art galleries are some of the most obvious places to purchase an original piece of art. These galleries are more expensive and generally sell higher quality pieces. You can purchase original art at an auction as well. Auctions are generally less expensive than art galleries and you have a better chance of getting a good deal.

Another great way is to buy directly from the artist. Such thing can be done at  Quinta dos Vales – a Wine Estate in the Algarve that combines Wine & Art in a beautiful symbiosis. The artist behind the majority of these sculptures is actually the owner of Quinta dos Vales, Karl Heinz Stock, and he focuses on small and extra large sculptures and sculpture-paintings that vary in their themes.

Most of the art pieces were already part of wandering exhibitions, in display across Europe. These included the installations of Graces, the Elephant Tree, Reunion of the Bulls, Dance of the Bears and Passion. You can visit the Estate and roam around freely while enjoying the beautiful weather, tasting delicious wines and admiring the beautiful sculptures that surround the gardens.

You can visit the Estate and buy the art there directly or through the website.



This article was originally published in: Portugal Resident